Saturday, September 21, 2013

Kī, wai kī ~ Tea

Oookay, well I had planned to get up early this morning and go find something to do, but it just turned out to be a work-ish day. 

I finished cleaning up/organizing my room, including vacuuming and putting clothes away, and also worked on homework for my Chemistry lab. I watched LOST while doing all of this, no surprise.

I also found out that my sister had the day off from work, and was at home with my family, making me pretty homesick. I have kind of just felt sad and lonely all day, which isn't an awesome feeling. I do have some possible plans tomorrow though, so hopefully those come through and will make me feel better.

I went for a walk earlier, just to get out and get some fresh air, and then stopped at the market and picked up this TAZO peach tea, which was really good.

When I got back from that, I talked to my sister for a while, which is always nice :) I also went up to the roof and watched the beautiful sunset, that never fails to put a smile on my face. 

This is honestly all my day consisted of, unfortunately, so I'm sorry that it might've been boring and short. Like I said though, I have some possible plans tomorrow that include exploring the island with a few others, but there hasn't been much communication about it these past few days. I really hope it still happens, but I'm not sure. If not, I'll find something else to do. Maybe I'll visit the Zoo, or go on a hike!

Whatever end up happening tomorrow, I'll be sure to tell you about it in tomorrows post, so stay tuned!

I'll talk to you then, goodnight! 

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