Thursday, August 15, 2013

A hui hou ~ See you later

And so it begins!

The second chapter of my life is now underway as I am currently writing this on the plane to Hawai'i! This decision to move 4,760 miles away from home for school was one of the hardest and biggest decisions that I have ever had to make, which I found out the hard way when leaving my little brother and dad in tears at the airport, but I think that it is going to be one incredible experience and a definite adventure!

All of you back home have been so supportive and excited for me from the beginning, making me more excited each time I would think about it! That excitement is still hiding in me under the absolute exhaustion that I am currently feeling from this full day of traveling. However, the emotion that is overtaking my body right now, is sadness. It is you all back home that cause this feeling, and I mean that in the best way. The fact that I feel this way means that you guys have really impacted my life and are some of the best family, people and friends that I have ever had and leaving was extremely hard. I just want each and everyone of you to know that whether we only talked a few times, or talked multiple times a day for years, I would not be on this plane right now if it weren't for you, so as the Hawaiians say, Mahalo to you all. Every individual that I have met has helped me in some way and helped to make this journey possible! I value the time that I've had with you all, and I am so looking forward to seeing you all back home again in December!! :)

I promise that this blog is not going to be a sappy one whatsoever, I just felt like this 'thank you and goodbye' post was necessary. Also, the fact that my current view is the back of an airline seat and the vast blue ocean under me, I do not have pictures or anything interesting to share with you just yet. This is simply going to be a fun, update blog for those of you who are interested in my life in Hawai'i and how it turns out. As most of you know, I am all about the adventure, so expect tons of fun experiences, hawaiian activities, life updates and college experiences with pictures to go along! I hope you enjoy this blog and I'll see you later!


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