Sunday, September 8, 2013

Lāpule ~ Sunday

Today was a typical Sunday for me. Basically I just used today to catch up on things that I needed to get done.

I woke up around 7:00 because I had planned on going on a hike today with my tower, and the one across from it, but it turns out that I read the date wrong and it was actually yesterday. So that was a bit unfortunate, but there is one each month, so I plan on going to the October one.

I slept in for a while longer, until about 10:30. That was nice :) And then I got up, and got dressed to go down for some breakfast. I ate some french toast, without syrup because I couldn't find any, as well as some ham and hash browns and OJ to drink. I had a nice conversation with my parents while I ate. Once I got back to my room, I watched a few episodes of LOST, as usual. I then stopped around 2:00 and worked on some homework for a while. I went down for dinner at 5:30, and ate a grilled cheese and an orange with some raspberry lemonade.

I then came back up to my room, once again, and finished off season 1 of LOST! The ending was very weird and not at all what I was expecting. I am now about 15 minutes into episode 1 of season 2, and the events that have already happened are also really unexpected and quite shocking. I don't have any other plans for the night, I'll finish this episode and maybe watch one more, because I am hooked right now, but other than that, I won't be doing anything except sleeping. Fun.

So that is all for today, I hope you had a productive Sunday to prepare for the upcoming week, and whatever it may bring. I'll talk to you tomorrow night :)

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