Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lohi ~ Late

Today has been one crazy day for me and did not at all go as planned. I woke up on time and everything, and got ready for class. I then left my dorm at 8:20 for my 9:00 lab and all was well, but when I got to my class, I saw that everybody else had their lab goggles and I left in my dorm room, so I rushed back to my dorm to pick those up and ended up being about 5 minutes late for my lab. And today was the day that the weekly 20 minute quizzes started, so I walked in during the quiz and had a shortened amount of time to complete mine. I didn't need any extra time, thankfully.

The lab was then about to start, and the TA asked if anyone had forgotten their lab goggles and two other people had forgotten them. So, basically, I ran to and from my dorm room to get these goggles, for no reason because he had a few pairs. So that was a bit frustrating.

The girl that I was sitting next to asked if I wanted to work with her, and it turns out, her name is Kylie too!! What are the odds of that happening? The lab went well and we even ended a bit early so that is always a plus!

I then walked to the campus center and bought this peanut butter Kashi bar thing that looked good for breakfast. It ended up not being that great. There were some other things that I needed to take care of like signing papers, so I got in line to do that, but the line was so long, that I ended up having to get out of line because class was starting soon. That was my Chemistry lecture, which wasn't too bad today, but I'm not too sure how I feel about the professor yet. This is his first year teaching and he seems to be very awkward in front of the class and kind of like he is unsure of what he is doing, but hopefully it gets better.

After this class, I had a larger break and so I then just began wandering and finally ended up back in my dorm, as usual. I stayed there for a bit and got some homework from my Chemistry lab done, and then I was off to my Hawaiian Studies class! Today we watched a film about Navigation and the Pacific Islands.

~~FUN FACT OF THE DAY: The Pacific Ocean is larger than all of the continents combined and contains around 10,000 islands! Crazy.

I really enjoyed this movie because it coincides with what we are talking about in my Oceanography class which is navigation and exploration of the Pacific, so that was cool.

This was my last class of the day so I went back to my dorm (no surprise there), and went down to get some dinner, even though it was 5:00, because the only thing that I had eaten was that protein bar thingy. So I had my usual, grilled cheese and Strawberry Lemonade 

Then, I did a bit more homework and read a bit of my book. I am now really exhausted and I am going to get ready for bed, lay down and hopefully get some sleep, because I might try to get up tomorrow morning and go for a run, but we'll see how that plays out!

See ya real soon! 

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