Monday, October 14, 2013

Pū Kuni Ahi ~ Cannon

Ew, Mondays are not exciting. But! Today marks two months since I left little, old Florida! That's crazyy!

As we all know, today is Columbus day, yeah?

Actually, no.

Here in Hawaii, Columbus Day is not considered, observed or recognized as a holiday at all, I guess because Columbus did not discover Hawaii, so it was weird to go about the day without hearing anything about it, oh well, I still would've had class either way!

So I woke up and got all ready for the day, and left for class around 8:00. My Bio lecture went well, today was about animal/plant cell reproduction. I though that I'd be starting work today, but unfortunately the paperwork had not fully cleared, and I got an email from my supervisor saying that I will officially start on Wednesday! I'm excited! :)

So I just went back to my dorm, and rested because I was surprise there. 

I then headed off to my next class at 12:00, which was Oceanography. Today we discussed the composition and density of ocean water, as well as the flows/currents in the oceans around the world. 

After, I, again, went back to my dorm. This time however, I worked on some online homework that is due on Friday and ate some Mac 'n Cheese...yum! 

I also discovered that I cut the bottom of my foot on the reef yesterday, and I was in pain every time I walked. So I finally checked it out while I was in my room, and sure enough there is a cut going down my heel, and onto the middle part of my foot :(

Before I knew it, it was time for practice. Thankfully we were not on the field today because it was pretty nasty outside with lightning and thunder. So we just worked on music in sectionals and in full ensemble. 

I was then done for the night, so I went back to my room. So boring. I have two quizzes that I studied for, finished all of my homework due tomorrow, and most of what is due on Wednesday. Then I got some dinner around 7:00, and when I was done, I went up to do some laundry, but all of the washers were taken and the dryer situation is still chaotic, so I opted to do it another time. I'll try again tomorrow night, fingers crossed!

Oh! So while I was sitting there doing homework, with soft music playing on my phone, from outside I hear this extremely loud *BANG*. I have absolutely no idea what it was, but it scared the life out of me, and kind of sounded like a cannon being shot off! Within about 5 minutes, the police showed up, and I'm not sure what was going on, but my roommate got back, and said that there were about 7 cops just standing watch in the courtyard and in the area. It's been nice and quiet since that happened about an hour ago, so it must have been all resolved, but that sound literally made me jump out of my seat, and also resulted in a long pen line down my homework, right in the middle of a word. 

Well, that's it for now!
I'll talk to you all tomorrow, goodnight! <3

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